Order and payment management portal

Design and implementation of Roev's customer order tracking and management portal.
Product designer


Roev is a ute electrification early stage start-up that aims to integrate technology solutions into a fleet’s transition to EV

My contribution

  • Work closely alongside the developer and CXO to design and deliver their order management MVP
  • Develop rapid prototypes for customer validation and feedback
  • Do subject matter research interviews to understand customers and assist with defining strategy


Develop user-friendly order tracking screens with clear, concise design for efficient and easy status monitoring.


This was an early stage start-up, the scope and business logic kept changing


Based on earlier conversion experiences, customers required a lot of flexibility


Allow for users to edit vehicle details at various stages of the conversion process to minimise friction in the process

Design development

Choosing the design system

We needed a design system with pre-built components and Figma integration for rapid development.

Material-UI (MUI) emerged as the optimal choice, offering a comprehensive ecosystem that enabled quick implementation while maintaining design consistency.

Customisations made to the design system

The design documentation outlined customizations, highlighting global changes in branding and UI elements like elevation and border radii. It featured extensive modifications to table headers and rows, showcasing original components alongside changes in color, typography, border radii, and elevation.

Information architecture

Understanding the structure of the MVP

Our aim for the Information Architecture (IA) was to construct a clear, intuitive framework for our design.

Just at a high-level, this was the basic architecture of the MVP:

As mentioned we will be focusing on the order pages, so this the architecture for the orders.

This diagram reveals the amount of granularity under each vehicle in addition to it's status' both from a financial and conversion perspective.

Editable vs non editable fields

We also had consider different levels of information that could be edited at each step of the conversion process. This was due to customers often not knowing which specific vehicles in the fleet they wanted to convert until much later.

Mapping it out helped us concretely design the flow and accomodate for the all the necessary edits that could be done

Design development

Deciding how to display order information

Our initial approach was to offer a high-level overview of orders, categorized by vehicle type, with status indicators at both the aggregate and individual vehicle levels.

However the conflict came with the way to display the specific vehicle information, as it really depended on the volume of orders that would be shown on this page. The difference between customer orders could be anywhere from 100 vehicles to 5.

We had two options:

  1. Have individual information vehicle in a ‘More Detail’ page

  1. Display all the additional information within the card

Using the design system, I mocked-up some rough high fidelity designs

The approach we would choose to take depended on the scale of users we were designing for.

Concept 1: Works for a large number of orders as it reduces information overload

Concept 2: Smaller number of orders. Allows all information to be centralized

We decided to go with focusing on a smaller number of orders.

Final screens

Reaching the final designs

There were a few number of business logic changes that were made in approaching the final screens.

  1. We were going to structure the order hierarchy with individual vehicles having their own order number instead of being grouped with similar vehicles
  2. Order information would no longer be editable at certain points

Order tracking screens

All screens (hand-off document)

Key takeaways

On reflecting on the project, one aspect that stands out is the desire for more extensive user testing.

The time constraints we faced meant prioritising certain development aspects over others.

However, due to removing the editable sections of the MVP, it became more of a consumption experience rather than an interactive one. This mean that the need for user testing was less crucial than getting the product out.

Overall, the process was a great exploration of how UX could accomodate business design